Remittances Review

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice: Implementing TRITEL for Sustainable Hospitality & Tourism Education in Pakistan

Dr Mohammad Alam, Ahmad Faraz, Fawad Ahmad, Faizan Aziz
tourismologist, teaching hotel, hoteliers, TRITEL, hospitality education, sustainable education ,


Pakistan is considered as an agrarian country, largely dependent on primary supplies nevertheless manufacturing, services are rising along with other sectors. To strengthen the economy, the government recognized the importance of service industries, including tourism and its components. Boosting tourism generates demand for skilled personnel, and increase in supplies. The situation was examined by considering skilled labour supply problems in juxtaposition with the provision of the government and other agencies that have focused on diverse programs. PITHM was the the first tourism institute was opened in 1964 letter on become PAITHOM was the first complete tourism and hospitality institute was built in the year 2000 with a complete training hotel. It was designed with the founding assistance of Austrian governement with the facility of training hotel and students hostel facilities. The degree-level courses initiated by Hazara university are followed by many universities, but the subject of technical and professional training remains a major issue to train the future tourismologist and hoteliers. COTHOM is private sector is reputed institute for tourism and hotel management. In tourism & hospitality a Inhouse demo labs are necessarily required to understand the subject requirement however the professional success of the trainees depends to provide students with a hands-on experience in a learning environment. Industrial exposure of the trainees, practice base curriculum, academia and practitioner laisons are very important issue to address. A TRITEL is a training hotel idea that will provide a hospitality training facility to train future professionals. It is a training hotel business cum educational model to sustain hospitality education. It is also Teaching the hotel model and at the same time business-oriented thinking to sustain the institution.