Remittances Review

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

Relationship between Teachers’ Reflective Practices and Their Performance at Higher Secondary Level

Shaheena Kanwal, Qaiser Abbas Jafri, Waseem Sajjad, Aqsa Qaswar, Kashif Iqbal
Reflection, Reflective Practice, random sampling technique, performance, correlation, professional development etc. ,


Reflection is any belief or assumed kind of cognition prolonged and careful thought. It's an important step that teachers can make towards improving their methods of instruction. The present research intended to assess the perception of teachers about reflective practice, to identify the performance of teachers pertaining to use Reflective Practice. The research also intended to determine the relationship between teachers score on practice-based scale. The target population of the study was the 2732 teachers of social science from 628 Higher Secondary Schools and colleges (Boys and Girls) who were teaching Intermediate classes. A sample of 338 teachers was selected by using random sampling technique. The data was collected through an adopted questionnaire, used by Pazhoman & Sarkhosh (2019) in their research and modified in Pakistani context, consisting of 39 statements and analyzed by statistical package for social science (SPSS). The reliability of the data collection tool was checked before data collection that was .895. The results revealed that almost 78.7% of the respondents were interested in self-discovery. However, the majority of 62% of the participants was of the opinion that they were aware of their beliefs and knew that these beliefs influence their behavior toward them and others. The participants were of the opinion that reflective practices in classroom improved their teaching performance. A strong positive correlation with .224** value was found between reflective practices and teaching performance. The findings of the current study had implications for teachers as well as the curriculum developers of professional development programmes. Reflective practice strategies are supposed to be used by teachers in the process of teaching and learning. It is recommended that reflective practice may be mentioned in the syllabus of the training course and professional development programs.