Remittances Review

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

Smart phones and Tablets; Do Reporters Consider Them Best Acquaintances? A Third World Perspective on MOJO

Dr. Shabana Asgher , Arooj waris , Dr Huma Tahir
MoJo, Technology acceptance model (TAM), Reporters, Thematic Analysis ,


This exploratory study investigates and document the phenomenon of Mobile Journalism( MoJo) among reporters in the context of Technology acceptance model (TAM). Data was collected through Interviews of Television reporters. Thematic analysis helped the researchers to identify significant themes and subthemes which aided to document professional dynamics of MoJo. It also helped to get an overview of the status of MoJo adoption among reporters belonging to a third world country. The participants reported to have a positive attitude towards digital communication technologies .However variation in adoption of MoJo in their work routines were found ,due to personal, technical  and organizational factors. The study highlights the need of focusing theoretical and practical understanding of MoJo at both academic and professional level. It particularly calls attention towards the role that  media  organization should play to facilitate and gear up the adoption of MoJo among their employees.