Remittances Review

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

Analysis of the minority characters in the novels of Deputy Nazir Ahmed in the Postcolonial context

Saqlain Ahmad Khan, Arshad Mahmood Haadi, Dr. Saira Irshad, Kamran Joyia, Dr. Muhammad Rahman
Deputy Nazir Ahmad, Minority characters, Postcolonial, including “Mirat-ul-Uroos”, “Binat-ul-Naash, “Taubata-al-Nusooh”, “Fasana-e-Mubtala, Ibn-ul-Waqt”, “Roya-e-Sadiqa, “Ayami” ,


Deputy Nazir ahmed was very first novelist of urdu. there was no model in Urdu before him, however, he tried on his own and entered into novel writing. He was a man of keen observation and keen observation, thanks to his qualities, he made a mark on Urdu novel writing and wrote several novels, including “Mirat-ul-Uroos”, “Binat-ul-Naash, “Taubata-al-Nusooh”, “Fasana-e-Mubtala, Ibn-ul-Waqt”, “Roya-e-Sadiqa, “Ayami” and other books are included. His most popular and first novel in Urdu is “Miraat-ul-Uroos”.

The Tiksali language of Delhi is also prominent in most of his novels. It is said for him, he becomes unsatisfied in his novels, but his aim was to give confidence to the Muslims, who were discouraged in the war of independence, so that they could play their key role in social development. Akbari, Asghari, Mama Azmat, Durandish Khan, Mohammad Aqil, Mohammad Kamil and other characters have penned the instructive story with artistic skill and the life of common people has been very well understood. This is the point of Deputy Nazir Ahmed's art. His novels also have minority characters. A study of these characters is presented.