Remittances Review

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596


Rabia Mustafa, Dr Mir Waheed Akhlaq, Umer Mustafa


The U.S.-China relationship has long been characterized by economic interdependence and technological competition. This relationship has evolved significantly, particularly in recent years, as technological advancements have become a central battleground. The concept of “technological separation” has emerged as a significant determinant of China-U.S. relations. In order to gain an advantage in the bilateral strategic struggle, the United States has been actively seeking to sever its connections with China in the realm of developing technology. In contrast to conventional high technologies, emerging technologies possess several unclear ramifications, and the security challenges arising from these technologies have caused the United States to face the predicament of “insecurity.” Successive U.S. administrations saw “separation” as a strategic maneuver to tackle difficulties posed by developing technology and as a method to hinder China’s progress. The U.S. decision to separate technologically from China is driven by three main factors: national security concerns, ideological differences, and rivalry in the digital market. In order to achieve this objective, the United States has developed comprehensive strategies involving all branches of government and all sectors of society, with the goal of separating or disconnecting by using a mix of domestic and international policy instruments. China, being the target of technological separation, firmly believes that the United States is responsible for this. The policy is a strategic miscalculation that is not consistent with the evolving tendencies of developing technology. China and the United States should expand their cooperation in technology, industry, security, and philosophy to minimize the chance of making mistakes and deepen their relationship in new technologies.