Remittances Review

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

Ethics and its vitality in Historical Research

S. Shahwar Hasnain, Sumaila Aziz, Mariam Riasat, Dr Kalsoom Hanif
Ethics, Social research, Autonomy, Informed Consent, Confidentiality, Legal, publication, Plagiarism, Comprehension, Inadequate, standard, Criteria etc ,


Ethics in social and historical research are crucial for maintaining integrity and respect for the subjects and sources. It involves transparency, honesty, respect for intellectual property rights, and sensitivity to the cultural context of the study. Additionally, researchers must adhere to ethical guidelines regarding the treatment of human subjects, including obtaining informed consent when necessary, and protecting confidentiality. Historians maintain ethics by adhering to principles such as objectivity, honesty, respect for sources and subjects, and avoiding bias or manipulation in their interpretation of historical events. They should strive for accuracy, transparency, and integrity in their research and writing, respecting the complexities and nuances of history without imposing contemporary values or perspectives. Additionally, historians should be mindful of the impact of their work on individuals and communities, especially those who may be marginalized or affected by historical events. This paper is a minor effort to outline some of the guidelines for producing such a content which not only adhere to the ethical norms of research but also provide an honest opinion about the historical narratives.