Remittances Review

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

Role of Circumstantial Features in the Representation of Crime Event Reports in “Dawn” Using Systemic Functional Grammar

Sehar Naureen, Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Qasim,
Systemic Functional Grammar, Circumstantial, Crime news events, Representation ,


Circumstances are not neutral. They play a significant role in providing particulars of location of time and space, matter, means, manner, reason, purpose,degree and accompaniment of the function carried out. Using Halliday's (2004; 2014) model of Systemic Functional Grammar, this research aims to analyzea Pakistani English newspaper, Dawn, to figure out the significance of circumstantial elements in the representation of crime news discourse. It utilized the features of circumstantial elements to demonstrate how circumstances in news texts are used to represent, frame, clarify, or exaggerate the crime event. Although the significance of circumstantial elements was frequently overlooked as compared to that of processes and participants, and are regarded as structurally peripheral parts of the clause, they have a vital role in contributing to the context of any clause in a particular text. They are employed in any discourse as crucial textual elements that help in clarifying the context. The UAM Corpus tool was utilized for data analysis. Results were interpreted and elaborated qualitatively to determine the role of circumstances in news reports. The findings of the research exhibits thatspatial locations are dominant (39%), temporal locations are 11.20%, extent circumstances were 18.6%, manner 3.36%, cause 6.3%, matter 96%, accompaniment 10.99% and source circumstances are 3.51%.Spatial Location are frequently mentioned in Dawn crime news reports that clarify the Place of Crime happening. Circumstances are the little but crucial components of the clause and text as well.By highlighting the importance of circumstantial elements, this study advances a more complete way of discourse analysis. Media reporters may report on crime events more justly and properly if they recognize the importance of Circumstantialfeatures. This might have an influence on public opinion and debate.