Unravelling Disparities: Delving Into Indonesia’s Multifaceted Labor Oversight Landscape And The Challenges Encountered
Yogi Muhammad Rahman *, Sarah Furqoni , Belardo Prasetya Mega Jaya, Taopik iskandar, Mohamad Hidayat MuhtarKeywords
Labor Inspection, Arrangement, Policy, Disparities. ,Abstract
How do employers meet the rights of workers/labour? How reliable is the government-appointed labour inspectors' oversight against labour rights violated? How are the responsibilities of labor inspectors to safeguard workers' rights established in law and put into practice? Are significant concerns when analyzing the function of labor inspectors in fostering harmony between the workplace's employees and management. In this paper, I will use a variety of primary and secondary legal sources, from statutes and case law to academic studies, to analyze the aforementioned problems in the existing literature. The study's findings show that the authority of labour inspection is affirmed through ILO Convention No.81 of 1947 and then ratified by the government of Indonesia through Law No. 21 of 2003 on the ratification of ILO Convention No.81 years in which the central government in control of labour inspection becomes problematic when the birth of the labour law that provides authority that is centralistic-hierarchical and increasingly complex with the advent of the local government. Many issues need to be enforced until the lack of existing resources at the local level labour inspection is resolved with a, but also pay attention to the needs that exist in the area so that the formulation of future policies is under the supervision of labour inspectors who are at the provincial level due to the distribution of such a vast area.