The Role of Social Competence, Self-Efficacy and Knowledge Sharing on Employee Performance in High Schools
Denok Sunarsi,Heri Erlangga , Yusuf Arifin , Dini Riani , Tita Setiawati , Umi Narimawati , Nurjaya , Sumeidi Kadarisman , Sri Rochani Mulyani , Ibnu Sina , Agus PurwantoKeywords
Social Competence, Self-Efficacy and Knowledge Sharing ,Abstract
This research was conducted at a private university (PTS), namely the . The population in this study were all employees who worked totaling 89 employees. The types of data used in this study included primary data and secondary data. In this study, primary data was obtained from answers to questionnaires distributed to respondents. Secondary data in this study is used to support primary data. Secondary data in this study is documentation related to all general conditions, profiles and activities of STIE Semarang that are relevant to the research. The data sources are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained from the results by asking a list of questions to ask for information from respondents to obtain information, while secondary data is obtained from book or library sources that support the research. Data collection techniques by observation, questionnaires, and documentation. Observations in this study were used to obtain data about the real conditions of high school employees including social competence, self-efficacy, knowledge sharing and employee performance. This research questionnaire was given to high school employees to determine social competence, self efficacy, knowledge sharing and employee performance. To analyze the data collected through questionnaires or questionnaires, a 5 (five) point Likert scale assessment score was used, SS answers with a score of 5, S with a score of 4, CS with a score of 3, TS with a score of 2, and STS with a score of 1. Documentation is used to obtain data on the number and personal data of employees (age, gender, last education, and years of service) from documents. The variables of this study are the independent variable (X) in this study is social competence, self-efficacy, and knowledge sharing and the dependent variable (Y) is employee performance. Instrument feasibility test with validity and reliability test. Testing the validity in this study using the Pearson product moment correlation which is processed with the SPSS program. Testing the reliability of the variables used reliability testing Cronbach Alpha. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. Regression analysis is used to determine the direction and magnitude of the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable.