Empowerment of Pmi Based Collaborative Government Productive Economies
Lely Indah Mindarti , Sri UmiyatiKeywords
Empowerment, Pmi Based, Collaborative Government, Productive Economies ,Abstract
Referring to the results of the field study, a number of contrasting similarities and differences can be emphasized regarding the micro and macro performance of BPUM. The similarities are that the majority of beneficiaries of the BPUM program are women, they are still within the productive age limit, the allocation of funds assisted by BPUM is more used to strengthen their micro business capital, they generally do not have micro business diaries, do not yet have a NPWP, and micro businesses have been established for a relatively long time. On average, it was more than 1 year ago, so that among ordinary citize ns, there was no specific phenomenon of the occurrence of symptoms of residents flocking to establish micro-enterprises solely to welcome the arrival of the BPUM program grant aid program. Meanwhile, the most prominent difference relates to the collaboration process between the proposer and distributor with villa ge/kelurahan officials. In the implementation of the BPUM program in urban areas, the proposing and channeling banks did not systematically dominate the process of determining potential recipients of the BPUM program. In contrast, in rural areas, the proposing and channeling banks greatly dominate the process of determining potential beneficiaries of the BPUM program to be proposed and channeled through the banking sector. The dominance of the proponents and distributors has led to deviations which tend to be 'silenced', particularly with regard to the application of the criteria for prospective recipients of the BPUM program who have never received the BP-UM program in the previous year. Whereas in the existing formal regulations, there is no requirement like this. This tendency to be dominated by proposers and distributors has made it difficult to achieve synergy or synchronization between the BPUM program and other MSME empowerment programs. Includi ng the synergy of the BPUM program with the desmigrative program, as well as the phenomenon of decline in MSME businesses, this has become a common feature of the dynamics of other MSMEs in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic throughout the country or occurring in various parts of Indonesia. In order to achieve synchronization between the BPUM program and various other MSME empowerment programs, it is recommended that the central government institutions: (1) make a national and high-level joint commitment to MSME development; (2) the formation of the National MSME Development Council chaired by the President of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the options to realize this high-level commitment; (3) adjustment of regulations regarding the Kemenkop UKM institution as the coordinator and harmonizer of MSME empowerment policies and programs in Indonesia. Institutional strengthening of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs is needed so that this ministry has the authority and capacity to carry out cross-sectoral coordination functions, including building an integrated program database and reporting cross-sector MSME empowerment programs in a "one-gate policy"; (4) amendment to Law Number 20 of 2008 with the additional article that the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises is the overall coordinator of the MSME empowerment program at the n ational level and has the right to organize an integrated database system across sectors and a system for monitoring and evaluating policies and programs; (5) increasing the category of authority of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs to category-1 to carry out the function of harmonizing policies and special programs for SMEs; (6) budget allocation for the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs to build a database and report on cross-sector MSME empowerment policies and programs at the national and regional levels; (7) building an integrated database of MSME empowerment programs at the national and regional levels. After having coordinating authority through the regulation adjustment stage, the Ke-Menkop UKM can coordinate the preparation of an integrated database of comprehensive MSME empowermen t policies and programs at the national and regional levels. Kemenkop UKM can then identify overlapping program recipients and identify policy and program needs for various types of MSMEs, and (8) build a monitoring system and evaluate policies and programs for empowering MSMEs.