Remittances Review

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596

ISSN:2059-6588 | e-ISSN: 2059-6596


Dr. Licy Varghese , Dr. Umesh U , Mahesh Yallappa Kambar, Solanki Jayesh Natvarbhai , Sneha Jha
Employee Training, Development, Training Methods, Effectiveness, Organizational Psychology, Human Resource Management, Mixed-Methods Research, Skill Development, Workforce Adaptability, Technology in Training. ,


Purpose: This research paper investigates the effectiveness of various training methods in employee training and development. The primary purpose is to provide insights into which training approaches yield the best results in enhancing employee skills and performance within contemporary organizational settings. Theoretical Framework: The study is grounded in a comprehensive theoretical framework that draws from established theories in organizational psychology, adult learning, and human resource management. This framework serves as a solid foundation for assessing the efficacy of diverse training methods. Findings: The study yields several key findings. First, it identifies the most effective training methods for different types of skills and employee roles. Second, it uncovers the factors that influence the success of training initiatives, such as employee engagement and trainer competence. Finally, the research sheds light on the role of technology in modern training programs and its impact on learning outcomes. Research, Practical & Social Implications: This research has significant implications for both academia and practice. Academically, it advances our understanding of employee training and development by providing empirical evidence of the effectiveness of various methods. Practically, it offers actionable insights for HR professionals and trainers, enabling them to design more efficient and targeted training programs. Socially, this research contributes to the ongoing dialogue about the role of skill development in workforce adaptability and employability. Originality/Value: One of the standout features of this research is its originality. While there is a wealth of literature on employee training and development, this study stands out due to its comprehensive approach, large-scale data collection, and the inclusion of qualitative employee perspectives. The findings add significant value to the field, serving as a valuable resource for organizations seeking to optimize their training initiatives.