Mg. Geni Llerme Tafur Flores , Dra. Nelly Graciela Tafur Flores , Dr. Lener Omar Panduro Rengifo , Dra. Elizabeth Pacheco Dávila , Dra. Llésica Soria Ramírez , Dr. Carlos Alberto López Marrufo , Dr. Marlon Joel Silva HuamánKeywords
Learning, teaching, communication, knowledge ,Abstract
The objective of the present research work is to verify the effect of feedback on the learning of the subject of Psychology in the students of a public university, basic type study, hypothetical deductive method, positivist paradigm, non-experimental and causal correlational design, the instrument used was the questionnaire, for this purpose 2 (two) instruments were applied: one of feedback and the other of Piscology learning to 157 students of the 8 specialties of the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, who were selected through a simple probabilistic sampling and then stratified by each specialty. The degree of the effect was measured with the ordinal R. The results obtained show us that there is a highly significant effect, both at the level of the independent variable in the learning of the subject of Psychology and in the dimensions of this variable, considering that the p value= 0.000; so, it is concluded that the feedback has a highly significant effect on the learning of Psychology.