Remittances Review

Submission Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

All contributors must submit articles to the Journal via online submission portal after registering with this website.

Papers submitted for publication are entered into a double-blind peer review system and normally read by at least two assessors.  The Editors’ decision will be final. Articles submitted to the Journal should be original pieces of work, not been published before and not being considered for publication elsewhere in its final form either in printed or electronic form.

Please make sure your manuscript is prepared according to the guidelines provided on our website.

Papers submitted to the Journal should be original unpublished accounts about 4000-8,000 words in length, excluding the footnotes and references.

If the online system is not responsive, submissions can be sent by e-mail to the editor. Manuscripts must be submitted as word documents (.txt, .doc, .rtf extensions are accepted). 

Author(s) must submit two Word documents:

  1. A title page with the title of manuscript, abstract, and keywords, and full author details including addresses and affiliations
  2. Full manuscript anonymized (i.e. author details and self-references removed) ready for double-blind. This should also include the abstract (maximum 150 words).

Any opinions expressed in the Journal are those of authors and do not necessarily those of the editors or publisher.

Authors are personally responsible for obtaining permission for the reprint of any previously published material.

By submitting a manuscript to the Journal, the author(s) agrees to pass copyright to the Journal and the Publisher. The Publisher is authorised to disseminate the submitted material in print and electronic formats following thorough peer-review and editorial process.

All manuscripts must be submitted in English. To disseminate your research more effectively, you may consider getting professional help from our partner copyeditors via or elsewhere.

Footnotes in the text should be numbered seriatim and include information which is not appropriate in the main text.

Tables and figures should be integrated in the text and the copy editors may alter the layout whenever necessary. The title page must include an abstract of about 150 words and 5 keywords. Full contact information with institutional affiliations and any acknowledgements must also be provided in the online submission but not in the submitted manuscript. Introduction, literature review and data should be kept to a minimum unless it is essential to the paper.

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal will not be returned.

Manuscripts accepted for publication or published by the Journal cannot be distributed, reproduced or reprinted without prior permission of the Publisher.

Please submit the following :

Please include your full details, contact and mail addresses as well as affiliations (if any) and a short biography when submitting online.

Please also include three potential reviewers’ names and contact details while submitting online (there is a section to enter notes to the editor).

Manuscript including the abstract (max. 150 words) and up to 5 keywords. (Please do not include any personal or affiliation information in the manuscript).

Manuscripts must be submitted as word documents (.txt, .doc, .rtf extensions are accepted). Please also send excel tables for graphics and/or figures used in the paper (if applicable). Please ensure your manuscript is paginated.

Format of the text should be as follows:

All articles must follow APA style of referencing. References must be complete. All references to books, articles and other sources should be inserted in the text; references should contain the last name of the author, year of publication and pagination where appropriate, e.g. (Smith, 2003: 187).

For co-authored sources, provide names for two authors if dual authorship e.g. (Kubat, 2011; Simpson, 2001, 2007), and for more than two authors use et al. after the first author’s name (Broderick et al., 2009).

For institutions, use abbreviations in the text.

Acknowledgements should be given either in a footnote on the first page or at the end of the manuscript, before the list of references.

The reference list should be placed at the end of the text and must only include sources referred to in the text. All items should be listed alphabetically by author and by year of publication. Italics are not used for titles of books and journals.

The list of references should appear at the end of the text. It should be double spaced and listed in alphabetical order by author’s name.

Please follow APA style for in text referencing and reference list at the end of your article.

For books, reports, thesis, etc.

Rossi, P. (1955). Why Families Move: A Study in the Social Psychology of Urban Mobility. New York: Macmillan.

Burgess, E. W. and Bogue, D. J. (eds.) (1967). Urban Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Rouse R. (1989). Mexican Migration to the United States: Family Relations in the Development of a Transnational Migration Circuit. Unpublished PhD thesis, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

For articles in edited works

Wolf, D.L. (2002). “There’s no place like “home”: emotional transnationalism and the struggles of second-generation Filipinos”. In: P. Levitt and M.C. Waters (eds.) The Changing Face of Home: The transnational lives of the second generation, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

For articles in periodicals

Illés, S. (2005). “Elderly immigration to Hungary”, Migration Letters, 2 (2): 164-169.

Levitt, P., DeWind, J. and Vertovec, S. (2003). “International perspectives on transnational migration: An introduction”. International Migration Review, 37 (3): 565-575.

Borjas, G. J. and Bratsberg, B. (1996). “Who Leaves? The Outmigration of the Foreign-born”. Review of Economics and Statistics, 78: 165-176.

Illustrations should be inserted in the text. All graphs and diagrams should be referred to as figures, and should be numbered. Illustrations can be in colour and appear in colour for the online version but the print version of the journal will be printed in one colour.

Tables should also be numbered consecutively in the text and must be inserted in the text. There should not be redundant tables in the manuscript.

Any submission which does not conform to the above instructions may be returned for the necessary revision before consideration for publication.

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Editorial Policy

All submitted papers are screened and reviewed by the editorial and/or external reviewers. Referees are expected to provide supportive comments regarding their decisions. Following the receipt of a manuscript in the appropriate format, we, normally, anticipate a decision within three months. However, given the voluntary nature of the review process, this may take longer in busy periods.

Please see the full details of our Peer Review Policy here.


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Copyright Notice

Terms and conditions associated with SKY PUBLISHING LIMITED Journals Transfer of Copyright Agreement

Copyright to the unpublished and original article submitted by the author(s), the abstract forming part thereof, and any subsequent errata (collectively, the “Article”) is hereby transferred to the Sky Publishing Limited for the full term thereof throughout the world, subject to the Author Rights (as hereinafter defined) and to acceptance of the Article for publication in a journal of TPL. This transfer of copyright includes all material to be published as part of the Article (in any medium), including but not limited to tables, figures, graphs, movies, other multimedia files, and all supplemental materials. TPL shall have the right to register copyright to the Article in its name as claimant, whether separately or as part of the journal issue or other medium in which the Article is included.

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Chief Editor Name

Prof Mariam Cornell

Publisher Name


For Authors