Exploring the Nexus of Domestic Violence, Gender Inequality, and Women's Health: A Qualitative Study in District Bannu


  • Dr. Haleema Akbar, Asma Asma ,Sher Zaman, Rohila Naz


Domestic violence, Violence against women, Global borders, Cultural boundaries, Marital dynamics, Dominance of husbands, Gender inequality


Domestic violence encompasses any violence suffered by women from biological relatives, predominantly men within the family or relatives. The issue persists in silence, finding legitimacy through cultural norms. Violence represents a serious violation of women's rights, a significant cause of injury, and a risk factor for various physical and psychological health problems. This study utilizes secondary data collected from literature, including books, journals, newspapers, and the internet. Objectives of this study is to explore the factor that promote domestic violence abuse specifically against women, and to assess the multifaceted impact of domestic violence and gender inequality on the physical, health of women in District Bannu. The research design is qualitative, based on primary data, and descriptive. Structured interviews serve as the data collection instrument, with domestic women in District Bannu comprising the population and domestic women as the study sample. Results highlight major types of domestic violence affecting women's health. The consequences of abuse extend beyond individual well-being, impacting entire communities. Living in a violent relationship diminishes a woman's self-esteem and her ability to engage in the community. Recommendations include raising community awareness through national campaigns, conducting a national prevalence survey on domestic violence, and ensuring well-trained health professionals can assess domestic violence cases.





