Time Management Skills and Importance in Shariah
nation, victim, management, Prophets, civilization, architect.Abstract
It is an undeniable fact that without valuing time, no nation can move on the road of success and development - since a society or a nation is formed from individuals, the first sign of the decline of nations and the famine of men in nations is that this the members of the nation normally fall victim to the lack of appreciation of the grace of time - however, the more the nation appreciates the grace of time, the more the destiny is kind to it - this is the rule that has been going on since eternity and the teachings of the Prophets and Messengers, the teachings of the righteous Salaf. As an advice, the experience of centuries teaches us that the nations and civilizations who valued time and never let the tradition of timekeeping go out of hand, their names are alive today in the pages of history - the fact is that time is wasted. It causes the destruction of nations and civilizations - "Tomorrow" is a big lie for successful nations, so they consider today as the architect of the future.This article will introduce the importance of management of time and its skills in Islamic context.