Investigating the Influence of Political Marketing through Digital Divide: A Study of Pakistan General Election 2024


  • Dr. Abdul Basit, Noor Ul Ain Nasir, Dr. Abdul Shakoor, Muhammad Kaqbad Alam


The phrase digital divide was used to describe the difference between connected and unconnected countries but it is not limited to contrasting people who reside in the same city, pitting the affluent, youthful, metropolitan population against the elderly, disabled, suburban residents who lack technological sophistication. This research study was planned and data was collected during the general elections of Pakistan 2024 to check the level and interest of digital divide and political marketing connection among the youth of Sargodha division. For purpose of this research study, a stratified sample was drawn using convenience sampling method for data collection. Three hundred and sixty male and female respondents were carefully randomly selected from four districts of Sargodha division. These districts are Sargodha, Khuhsab, Mianwali and Bhakkar. Study empirical results reveal that there are huge digital divide between youth of Sargodha division on basis of rural and urban division. Urban youth is having more internet resources as compare to rural areas of Sargodha division. Furthermore, this study results reveals that this digital divide impact on political marketing and cause effects on voting decision and behavior of selected population. 





