Determining the Senate’s Influence on Media Coverage of Senate Proceedings (1985-1999)
Senate of Pakistan, Media, Boundary Development, Legislation, InstitutionalizationAbstract
This research article analyses the influence of Senate over the media coverage of the Senate proceedings during 1985-1999. The period of Zia after restoration of democracy in 1985 was basically a semi-Presidential form of Government so the functioning of the Parliament in Pakistan was undermined. The media was covering the Senate’s proceedings but due to several restrictions, the media was unable to public the same wordings of Senators. Therefore, Senators had severally objected on media related issues as the institution was in institutionalizing itself. The study examines the Senate’s efforts to establish and maintain boundaries with the institution of the Media. This study examines the specific initiatives undertaken by the Senate such as limitation on media about presentation of distorted proceedings, false, misreporting and non-representation of reports, and limitation on jurisdiction of media to determine its superiority on the institution of media. The study employs an analytical methodology, including primary data from Senate Debates, as well as archival and secondary sources for investigation. The research asserts that the Senate had a crucial role in enacting legislation to restrict Media. The motions opposing the media due to its false, distorted, or misreporting determined that the Senators strictly disallowed the media to encroach the boundaries of Senate. The limitation on jurisdiction of media imposed by Senate’s legislation also determined the authority of Senate was expanded over media.