Investigating the Nexus of Green Innovative Capabilities and Organizational Performance: The Influential Role of Green Culture


  • Shama Akhter, Dr. Muhammad Shehzad Hanif


Green Marketing Innovative Capability (GMIC), Green Administrative Innovative Capability (GAIC), Organizational Green Culture (OGC), Organizational Performance (OP)


This research study inspects the effect of green innovative capabilities on organizational performance in Pakistan's pharmaceutical sector, focusing on green marketing and administrative innovations. It evaluates the moderating role of organizational green culture. A survey questionnaire is used to collect data from 385 respondents, particularly supervisory officers/managers, the sample size is calculated using a simple random sampling technique. The pilot study confirms the reliability of the instrument. More Assumptions i.e., normality, validity, and multicollinearity are analyzed. Results show that both green marketing and administrative capabilities significantly boost organizational performance. Green organizational culture positively controls the effect of green administrative innovations but negatively impacts green marketing innovations, revealing challenges in aligning green practices with organizational culture. The research fills gaps in understanding green innovation in developing countries and extends theoretical frameworks with dynamic capabilities and stakeholder theories. Practical insights for pharmaceuticals include leveraging green innovations for better performance and sustainability, Limitations and future recommendations have also been addressed





