Transforming Firm Performance: The Synergy of Blockchain Technology and Organizational Learning in Pakistan
Purpose/Objective: This study aims to explore the impact of blockchain adoption on firm performance in Pakistan, with a specific focus on the mediating role of organizational learning. The research addresses the growing need to understand how emerging technologies, such as blockchain, can improve business performance in developing economies.
Design/Methodology: Data were gathered through an online survey administered to employees from the Banking, IT, and Supply Chain sectors. The responses were analyzed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. The study utilizes the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to test the relationships between Blockchain Adoption (BA), Organizational Learning (OL), and Firm Performance (FP).
Results/Implications: The findings reveal a significant relationship between blockchain adoption, organizational learning, and firm performance. Organizational learning serves as a critical mediator, enhancing the positive effects of blockchain technology on firm performance. These insights provide valuable guidance for firms in developing countries like Pakistan, highlighting the importance of leveraging blockchain and fostering organizational learning for improved business outcomes.
Originality/Value: This research contributes to the limited body of literature on blockchain adoption in developing economies by introducing organizational learning as a key intervening variable. The study offers practical recommendations for firms in Pakistan on how to capitalize on blockchain technology to enhance firm performance, filling a critical gap in the understanding of technology-driven organizational growth in emerging markets