Informational uses between sociology representations and practices Models, Uses and Expectations Usages informationnels entre représentations et pratiques sociologiques Modèles, Usages et Attentes
Information and communication technology at the social level has led to the creation of a new type of converged and interactive multi-media community. Where the time cycle of technical development has become very short due to the communication revolution. The second half of the twentieth century witnessed highly technological forms of merging between the phenomena of the information explosion and the communication revolution, especially the use of the electronic computer and its various uses in storing and retrieving a summary of what was produced by human thought.
In light of these transformations and technological developments, the virtual public sphere has been closely linked to the Internet, as it represents the opportunity for individuals to exchange ideas, information, and common and homogeneous interests, and to be a wide field for free expression of their opinions away from their real societies.
In the context of information interactions and exchanges, our topic is a sociological presentation of informational uses according to some explanatory models for these uses, and the disclosure of the most important future expectations for information and communication technology transformations.
Keywords: Explanatory models, Informational uses, Expectations, Information and communication technology.