Parents’ Role in Controlling Violent Behaviour of Youths - An Emerging Concern in Pakistan
Violence is by nature embedded in the human psyche. The youth of Pakistan do not form any exception to this fact. Domestic violence, politically motivated armed clashes among political parties, persistent intolerance to others in the society due to any reasons whatsoever, a dangerous manifestation of jealousy and ill-will, property-related brutality among the people concerned, love and romance induced killings, trigger-happy attitude in the name of honor, and riotous behavior in the name of religion are common phenomena in Pakistan. Violent behavior in Pakistani youth is not a sudden outburst. It is rather a decades-old phenomenon, which has gradually culminated in a scenario beyond control. The blame for this might cumulatively be placed on parents, elders, relatives, school teachers, and the society at large. This study is aimed at identifying and highlighting parents’ role in controlling and abating the violent attitudes of youth in Pakistan. The methodology applied in the research is critical analysis. The conclusion arrived in the study is that Pakistani parents if consciously tasked can play a very constructive role in shaping and molding the new generation which could positively contribute to the nation-building.