Embarking on a Regal Voyage through the Avian Fauna of Sargodha District via DNA Barcoding
Pakistan contains about 792 bird species, while the Sargodha region contains about 34 bird species but no detailed DNA barcoding analysis of various bird species in Sargodha has been undertaken so far. The study was planned to generate the barcode data of Birds. Mitochondrial DNA is the latest method for studying the genetic diversity of birds. Complete genomic DNA extraction was done by using Organic DNA extraction method and Gel Electrophoresis is used for qualitative analysis. By using PCR purified mtDNA was amplified and for further processing amplified copies of DNA were obtained. Before to the process of PCR primers were designed. Multiple regions of amplified DNA were obtained and sent to Alpha Genomics, Rawalpindi for sequencing. Sequencing outcomes were analyzed to determine the genetic diversity of Avian Fauna inhibiting the Sargodha District. The construction of trees by using MEGA X explained all specific interactions between the bird’s species under research and the related birds. The heterogeneity and homogeneity between bird species are elobrated in the form of tables that have been drawn along with tables of amino acids to identify potential similarities between avian fauna at different molecular levels of gene products. It is concluded thatMitrochondrial COI is a significant marker for identification of species and the study of molecular phylogenetics in birds. This analysis, however also states the need for expanded taxon sampling and for more genes to be analyzed in order to solve taxonic and phylogenetic problems concerning birds. Furthermore, DNA Barcoding leads a great deal to the survival of endangered species and to the monetisation of their illicit trade.