Media and Agenda-Setting: Analyzing the Role of Electronic Media in Fostering Youth Political Awareness in Pakistan


  • Zain Abbas, Muhammad Javed Ashraf, Dr. Salma Umber, Muhammad Asim Khan,


This research analyzed how the selected Pakistani TV channels: ARY News and Geo News have impacted organizational political awareness, public opinion, and agenda setting among Pakistani youth. This study also looked at how perceived bias and alignment compromises the concept of journalism. The agenda setting theory was utilized as framework. The study was adopted a quantitative research design. Framing theory provided the ground to explain how the presentation of news affects audience comprehension. Primary data were obtained from 50 structured questionnaire prepared based on the research questions and concerns respondents’ perceptions about the credibility, bias, and influence of these channels. Descriptive analysis was employed in the process of data analysis. The study indicates that both ARY News and Geo News are important in raising political consciousness and 74 percent of the respondents credited both in facilitating understanding of political matters. However, perceived biased and political affiliation were more dominant for Capital Talk with respondents perceiving political bias of Geo News influenced Capital Talk by 68 percent while 32 percent perceived political bias on Off the Record only. ARY News also recorded a better reach of 76 percent among youth due to its programming and perceived impartiality towards PTI but such a situation calls for manipulation of the masses. Both channels have been faced with issue that include partiality and bias hence the importance of emphasizing the middle road. This study concerning the level of the media in Pakistan regarding its political responsibilities and duties while practicing media responsible journalism. It would be beneficial for media practitioners and policymakers for reducing the bias and promoting the role of the electronic media for informed and responsible voters.





