Anti-Crime, Successful Investigation A Modern Requirement and Some Teachings of Islamic Law


  • Dr. Hafiz Nasir Ali, Dr. Muhammad Haroon, Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Hassan, Dr. Hafiz Abdur Rahim


Crime means violating the Pakistan Penal Code 1973. The purpose of crime prevention is to prevent and reduce the risk of crime in society. It involves the government, law enforcement agencies, and the public working together to create an environment that discourages criminal activity. While crime prevention refers not only to the prevention of crime but also to create such a safe and peaceful society that promotes social stability and public trust. Anti crime is not only a government responsibility, but also a public duty to cooperate with law enforcement agencies. In the absence of crime prevention, instability and fear are created in the society, which halts social development. Low crime provides a calm and safe social environment. Modern technological tools, strong law enforcement, and public partnership may play an important role in this. Public awareness and youth empowerment can be helpful in crime prevention. Crime can be reduced to a minimum by conducting public awareness campaigns in partnership with the government and law enforcement agencies.





