The study made a comparison of verbalism features between the blind and sighted students in district Faisalabad, Pakistan. Descriptive research method was used in this study. Survey design was used to approach and collect the data from participants through a closed ended questionnaire based on quantitative approach.The population of the study included the blind and sighted students of the Govt. Primary Schools of the special education and mainstream /ordinary schools of Faisalabad city.. The sample of the study consisted of 10 blind students and 10 students with normal vision/sighted peers. Convenient sampling technique was used to collect data. The data were collected from 7 public and private schools of district Faisalabad. A questionnaire was developed consisting of 15 items based on
3 activities (color association with objects, defining verbs by gestures interpretation and storytelling). Each item based on 5 multiple choice questions (Null to Perfect rating). Researchers personally approached the participants for the data collection. The researcher fully explained the process of data collection. The collected data were analyzed to arrive at final conclusions. The results of the study indicated that verbalism features of the blind students were significantly higher (p<0.05) than their sighted counterparts regarding the colour association (grass, blood, tea, cotton with examples) except colour association of coal. On the other hand, both the groups of blind and sighted students had almost similar level (no significant difference, p>0.05) of verbalism features pertaining to the defining of verbs (stir up, sweep, jump and squeeze) as well as story telling (thirsty crow) containing the explanation of verbs such as thirsty, color, crow, stone and pour. However, in verb defining activity, blind students showed more verbalism features in the verb of ‘kneading the flour’.