Islamic Character Building: Developing Islamic Character with ABEL-Based Mathematics Mobile Learning for Junior High School Students


  • Mawi Khusni Albar Faculty of Education (Tarbiyah) and Teachers Training, UIN Profesor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto


ABEL, Character Education, Developing Character, Islamic Character, Mathematics Mobile Learning


Social changes, disruption era, and various rapid flow of information technology advancement put a strong pressure on education implementation. There are many constraints in moral and character building, either socially or religiously. This drives character education implementation in each lesson that student receives at school. On the other hand, the ever-changing conditions drive learning process to adjust to any development of educational technology. This research studied and developed internalization process using mathematics mobile learning in mathematics learning. This research used a Research and Development design or development research to test the effectiveness of Islamic character-building using mathematics mobile learning. As a result, the mathematics mobile learning was declared valid in Islamic modeling, analogy, illustration, and philosophy. The test on 30 Junior High School students resulted in 17 students having questionnaire outcome on religious character value at medium level and 13 students at high level. Based on the results, we may state that mathematics mobile learning can instill religious character values into students on five dimensions: faith dimension, religious practice dimension, internalization dimension, knowledge dimension and experience dimension.





