Humanism Music Education: Suka Hardjana Teaching Style at Indonesia Art College


  • Hery Budiawan, Ryan Gredy Aprianno, Gandung Joko Srimoko, R.M Aditya Andriyanto, Didin Supriadi, Dani Nur Saputra, Saryanto, Barkah Bangkit Wijaya


Humanist, Freedom, Learning, Suka Hardjana, Education, Music


This study aims to see the teaching style of Suka Hardjana as an Indonesian music figure. Independent learning which has recently been crowded from basic education to higher education. The word Merdeka is still much debated among academics and critics of Education. Freedom to learn in intellectual understanding makes students subjects not objects in the world of education. Methods in qualitative research with a case study approach. Where this approach the object of research can be group, region or personal because there is something interesting about the object. The results of this study are very clear Suka Hardjana in his teaching style is very close to the concept of Paulo Feire. Where to prioritize humanists when teaching both in the classroom and outside the classroom. The word humanist is very attached to the figure of Suka Hardjana. In addition, the teaching he offers is also in critical regional settings. Because universities do not produce graduates who are ready to work but must give birth to those who are ready to think (intellectual). For this reason, it is very relevant to the concept that is independent learning today. However, teaching with independent learning today actually makes students. not free with their rights, especially carrying the word dehumanization instead of humanist.





