Effect of Multicomponent exercise program on Echo Parameter for Patients with cardiac dysfunction
Cardiac dysfunction, multicomponent, rehabilitation.Abstract
Background: Cardiac dysfunction is the term for the heart's diminished capacity to pump blood efficiently, which can cause a number of symptoms like fatigue and dyspnoea. The quality of life and functional ability of people with heart dysfunction can be greatly impacted by these symptoms. Exercise has been acknowledged as a crucial part of managing and rehabbing people with cardiovascular diseases. Exercise has shown potential outcomes in reducing dyspnoea and fatigue in this population. The ECHO parameters help in diagnosing and monitoring cardiac dysfunction and guiding rehabilitation strategies. Study Objective: To determine the effect of a multicomponent exercise program on a patient’s echocardiographic parameter (ejection fraction, stroke volume, preload, afterload, cardiac output), in pre-test and multi-period post-test. Methods and Results: randomized controlled trial design to examine the effectiveness of the Multicomponent exercise program in improving the ECHO parameters in cardiac dysfunction patients. Non-probability (purposively) sample of 80 participants was randomly divided into two groups of 40; The study group have been exposed to a multicomponent exercise program by the researcher and the control group follow the traditional program provided by the Heart Center. Then ECHO parameters of both groups were measured on different intervals during the program period. The results show statistically significant differences between two groups. enhancement of the ECHO parameters among the study group. Result: A nonsignificant different between control and study group in pre-test and post 1 concerning (afterload, CO), while a significant different in post2, post3 only. On the other hand, a non-significant different between control and study group regarding (EF) in pre-test, while a significant different in post (1,2,3) at p value (0.05). Additionally, preload concerning a non-significant during period of measurement. While (SV) has a significant different between pre-test and post-test (2,3) only. That mean the Appling of multicomponent exercise program effect positively on patients echo cardio parameters in study group. Conclusion: The Multicomponent exercise program has improved the echo cardio graphic parameters in those patients who attended the program. These results have important implications for the management and rehabilitation of heart patients, highlighting the effectiveness of integrated exercise programs to improving the overall quality of life for individuals with cardiac conditions.