Integration of Discovery Learning and Active Learning Methods in Shaping Students' Critical, Creative and Innovative Culture


  • Muhamad Basyrul Muvid , Angen Yudho Kisworo , Yudi Septiawan , Alaika M. Bagus Kurnia PS , Anwar Soleh Purba


Discovery learning, active learning, critical, creative, innovative


This study seeks to examine and find the integration between discovery learning and active learning methods in forming a critical, creative, and innovative culture for students. Given, both methods are methods that seek to maximize the active role of students in the learning process. The research method used is the library method based on the constructivist and positivistic paradigms by collecting various documents, journals, and books related to the themes studied. The discovery learning method focuses on the process of finding solutions; answers to problems given by the teacher to students. The identification process of finding answers will educate students to think critically and lead them to be creative and innovative in creating their findings. Meanwhile, the active learning method focuses on the active process of students by being fully involved in the learning process, this full involvement will require students to always think critically, creatively, and innovatively so that the learning atmosphere can be more effective, efficient, and colorful. Then, the integration between the discovery learning method and active learning in forming a critical, creative, and innovative culture is by focusing learning centered on students, by giving them investigation tasks which will then be discussed, verified, and then presented with correct and interesting presentations.





