Advancing Sustainable Consumer Behavior: Insights and Strategies for Tourism and Hospitality in the Eco-Conscious Era


  • Maria Sadiq


Environmentally-sustainable consumer behavior; tourism and hospitality; key drivers of eco-friendly behaviors; theories related to environmentally-sustainable behaviors; environmental sustainability


Various types of environmental issues pose a significant threat to nature. Environmental sustainability is a key focus in today’s tourism and hospitality sectors. Sustainable consumer behavior plays a crucial role in protecting the environment, which in turn benefits society. To better understand sustainable consumption and encourage eco-friendly consumer actions, this research offers a clear understanding of sustainable consumer behavior and reviews key theories from tourism and environmental psychology, including the Theory of Reasoned Action, Norm Activation Theory, Theory of Planned Behavior, Model of Goal-Directed Behavior, and Value-Belief-Norm Theory. Additionally, this study highlights the main factors driving sustainable consumer behavior, such as green image, everyday pro-environmental actions, environmental knowledge, attachment to green products, social norms, feelings of pride and guilt, corporate social responsibility, perceived effectiveness, connection to nature, and green values. Finally, the paper presents insights from recent research on environmental sustainability and consumer behavior in tourism and hospitality. This study, along with other articles in this special issue, helps create a platform for collaboration across these industries, aiming to promote eco-friendly consumption and sustainability





